CDS बिपिन रावत के हेलीकॉप्टर क्रेश के पायलट थे शहीद पृथ्वी सिंह चौहन

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शहीद पृथ्वी सिंह चौहन: while the entire country is mourning the death of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, the grief of the people of Agra is two-fold. The city lost its son, Wing Commander Prithvi Singh Chauhan, who was flying the helicopter that crashed in Tamil Nadu with CDS Gen Bipin Rawat and 12 other people on board. Wing Commander Prithvi Singh Chauhan, 42, was posted at the Indian Air Force Station in Coimbatore but he was born and raised in Agra.


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