Rapists going free through remission or through parole is an affront to the women of the country : Mahila Swaraj

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Recent developments where 11 rapists and mass murderers of Bilkis Bano and her family were granted remission despite being convicted and punished with a life-sentence and the release of self-styled Godman, Baba Gurmeet Singh, is a direct affront to the women of the country. Both these cases shook the conscience of the country, and punishments came after a prolonged legal battle where the rape survivors took up cudgels against the powerful perpetrators who enjoyed the patronage of the establishment. Had it not been for the courage of the survivors — Bilkis Bano in case of 2002 Gujarat carnage and two Sadhvis in the case of Baba Gurmeet Singh, these cases wouldn’t have found any voice in our justice system.

It is important to remind the nation of almost two decade long struggle for justice in both the cases. In the case of Bilkis Bano, the state government of Gujarat did not even file an FIR, and it was only after the intervention of the special court that the trial started. Bilkis was thereafter given death threats, and hence the trial was moved to Maharashtra for a fair trial. The conviction of the 11 rapists and murderers was upheld by the Maharashtra High Court and subsequently by the Honourable Supreme Court.

Yet, on August 15, 2022, the very day that the Prime Minister called upon the nation to respect women and support Nari Shakti, these 11 convicts who committed such dastardly acts, where not even a day-old infant and Bilkis’ 3-year-old daughter were spared, were set free citing good behaviour. This is despite the fact that one of the convicts, Mitesh Chimanlal Bhatt has been accused of molestation, the trial of which is still pending, and the CBI and the Court had opposed the remission.

Baba Gurmeet Singh on the other hand was convicted of raping two sadhvis of his own ashram. He was sentenced to ten years of rigorous punishment each, to be followed one after the other. After that the self-styled God man was also convicted of murder of a journalist, with a life-term which shall start after he has finished the 20 years jail term for the two rapes. The media reports after Gurmeet Singh’s conviction showed horrifying acts of arson in Panchkula, where an army contingent had to be called to contain the mob. The Haryana Government led by the BJP tried to grant parole to Gurmeet Singh earlier as well, but the public outrage forced it to abandon the move. The citizens then pointed out that Haryana Government has a policy of disallowing any parole to criminals convicted of heinous crimes including rape and murder. Yet, Gurmeet Singh has been granted parole thrice within a year now citing a technical clause.

It is disturbing to note that in both the cases, the convicts were given a hero’s welcome on their release. This is a blot on any civilized society. It is also clear that in both the cases, the releases were done to seek electoral gains. While the convicts of Bilkis Bano were released to electoral polarization in the state where elections are due, release of Gurmeet Singh is clearly to gain electoral advantage in Himachal Pradesh, which is adjoining Haryana. Gurmeet Singh is believed to have a considerable following in the hill state as well. Both these crimes were inflicted in the garb of religion and sect. While 2002 Gujarat was an outcome of hate crime, Gurmeet Singh’s crimes are a testimony of a religious leader misusing the very concept of the faith to exploit his own disciples.

These crimes, as the murder of Ankita Bhandari, who was being forced into prostitution by her employer in Uttarakhand, should be a national outrage, particularly for women, who face such crimes every day. Subsequent efforts of the local administration to hush up the case only because the employer, Pulkit Arya, is a son of BJP leader, Vinod Arya, establishes yet again that those with patronage of political system can misuse their authority. This is despite the fact that the NCRB data suggests that Total Rape Cases (Pending and Current) with the Police Department in 2020 were 43,196, out of which only 23,693 were charge-sheeted, while 28,808 were disposed off by the Police. Similarly, the pendency and conviction through courts in such cases is also worrying. Total Cases for Trial were 169,558, while the cases convicted were 3,814 and those acquitted were 5,403. These figures do not account for gang rapes and murders.

Mahila Swaraj demands that such humiliation of women and children must stop with immediate effect. While it is incumbent upon all state governments and Central Government to ensure fair investigation of such cases without any bias, it is also important that State Women Commissions as well as National Women Commission exert their influence and stand up as non-partisan institutions demanding justice for women. Judiciary on its end has to reflect upon its role too. Mahila Swaraj therefore requests the Honorable Chief Justice of India to initiate steps that address such pendency. It is also important the recommendations of Justice Verma Committee following Nirbhaya case be implemented in letter and spirit. Women of the country cannot be left at the whims and fancies of the criminals who are a threat to the society.

Mahila Swaraj demands that
a. Rapists and murderers in Bilkis Bano case be sent back to prison immediately in Gujarat
b. Discontinue Baba Gurmeet Singh’s parole and Haryana Government honors the court’s verdict of rigorous punishment
c. National Commission of Women must take up these cases without any further delay and ensure that women of the country are heard


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