Lessons from Ukraine and the significance of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Non-Aligned Movement
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Dr. Ramlakhan gurjar   

A big and powerful country attacks only weak countries.
This is what happened except World War II
America keeps playing ban ban which is its favorite game
Countries falling under America’s bluff have always suffered.
Russia certainly has a history of standing with a friendly country.
China has become a big trading country and it is arranging as much security which is necessary for it and to deal with the big powers of the world and both they and China are engaged in their preparations by imagining 100 years ahead while some countries  The temple mosque is considering only things like burqa hijab as the future.
Small countries cannot withstand the attacks of big powers even after trying a million, they can fight even after being ruined.
The world has changed rapidly and its rules of war and weapons have also changed.
To win, it is necessary to be strong and the first condition of being strong is that the country should be above internal disputes, there should be unity in the country, there should be mutual harmony and trust, trust in the government and its condition is that the government should be transparent, sensible and visionary.  And to create confidence in the entire public that they are doing everything for everyone and for everyone’s future and safety.
A country broken from inside cannot make economic progress and if there is a fight inside and there is an opportunity to worsen the situation, then no investor will come from anywhere and internal business will also be affected, whereas for the strength of the country it is necessary that the country is financially very much.  Should be strong, the educational level should be high and the quality of health should also be of high quality, unemployment should be negligible, everything from agriculture to business should be prosperous and there should be scientific self-reliance in all fields, in the field of health, future needs and military needs and  From Artificial Intelligence in the future to conservation of nature and impossible creation of necessary things.
The environment for all these things can be created only when all the people who lead are visionary and dream, formulate and resolve not for themselves, their party and power but for the generations to come.
Otherwise, instead of healthy democratic competition and the competition of dreams for future generations, you only take any country behind.
To live in the dreams of history or to carry the hatred of history and to give it to future generations is only going to bring ruin. Be it Iraq, Syria, Ukraine or any other such country, no matter how much military equipment  Collect it, but if they knock on a big one, then its ruin is certain and living in the misunderstanding that some other country that sells weapons and uses it for its own interests will come to fight for it, it will prove to be a misunderstanding, why any country itself  Do not waste it for others because war is a very expensive hobby.  That’s why it is best for small, economic, demographically weak and developing countries that they should not become a puppet of any big and keep their interest and harm with the most and do not become the political field of any big one, give a challenge.  No one has forgotten the horrors of World War I yet.
Any country has its own formation due to its special environment and historical circumstances and factors and it becomes happy and progresses in those conditions.  It will not make any difference until the air of democracy is felt in it and that happens only when the whole people feel it themselves or they have an intuitive knowledge.  India has been a society of free environment, here the society lives in a little less and remains satisfied, but its free environment and free laughter should not be taken away from it, so any step or thinking like dictatorship will be suicidal for India.  India needs to take lessons from the societies and countries having religious and caste conflicts and the sooner it understands, the more the country will become stronger and scientific approach and progress will make India capable of challenging peace and harmony in front of the world.  The message of peace will be worth giving by keeping Mahatma Gandhi in front.
It is time to reconsider how meaningful the Non-Aligned Movement was started by Jawaharlal Nehru and that it was the third axis in itself which used to balance the other two.
First American selfishness has ruined many countries and now Ukraine is the time for the small and less developed or developing countries of the whole world to unite anew and make a new strategy and India can lead them all but for that in India first.  Complete unity and trust is essential.
Ukraine will be settled in a week, but it will not prove to be the last, but it is the beginning of a new type of war.
China’s challenge is no less for India and that challenge has arisen from its own ideological and strategic mistakes. It is the need of the hour to immediately accept these mistakes and get out of them using experience and experience, even if it is with the political opponent.  Why not?
If war is to be avoided then war has to be costly and a divided country and ignorant eyes cannot do it.


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